Monywa Buddha in Myanmar

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พระเชียงแสนสิงห์๑ Enlighthenday พระประธานวัดเกตุมดีศรีวราราม มีลักษณะคล้ายพระพุทธชินราช Buddha-Japan buddhawatthakanun Amitabhabuddha Buddha Symbol Of Inner Peace Monywa Buddha in Myanmar Buddha buddhabothitree buddhaintheforest Buddhaneartheriver buddhabothitree samathibudha Buddhateachingsign blackandwhiteBuddha
ในอัลบั้ม Buddha
  1. supatorn
    Monywa is a city in focal Myanmar situated on the banks of the Chindwin River. Only east of the city is the Po Khaung Taung, a scope of slopes where you can see the Monywa Buddha–the biggest leaning back Buddha statue on the planet. This huge figure estimates 90 meters (300 feet) long. The head alone is 60 feet high.

